
TB2016 highlights efforts to strengthen the global fight against TB, the leading killer of people with HIV, at AIDS 2016

Durban, South Africa, 16 July 2016 – Urgency in efforts to address the devastating global impact of tuberculosis (TB), and opportunities to make major inroads against the infectious disease, are being featured at TB2016, a two-day conference dedicated exclusively to TB, immediately preceding the 21st International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2016) in Durban, South Africa. Organised by the International AIDS Society (IAS), which also leads the AIDS 2016 conference, TB2016 represents a unique partnership of HIV and TB scientists and advocates, convened to build greater urgency and innovation to combat both epidemics.

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TB2016: Registration and scholarships now open

Registration is now open for official 21st International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2016) pre-conference meetings. For detailed information about the AIDS 2016 pre-conference program and instructions on how to register, click here.

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TB2016: Call for abstracts

In recognition of the need for greater attention to the global TB epidemic, the International AIDS Society (IAS) is organizing TB2016: Science + Solidarity, a two-day conference (16-17 July 2016) dedicated exclusively to this infectious disease immediately preceding AIDS 2016 in Durban, South Africa.

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