Call for new Global TB CAB members

Deadline for applications: 12 July 2024

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Statement from TAG, Global TB CAB on H56:IC31 Phase IIb trial results

The Global TB CAB and TAG commend the investigators for sharing results early and openly with a diverse group of key stakeholders, and urge the scientific community and funders to continue efforts to find different options to prevent TB.

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Activism delivers unprecedented victories in TB testing and treatment access

Historic price reductions will allow millions more people to receive TB prevention, treatment and testing.

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Two TB CAB position papers published in Public Health Action

Two position papers, developed by the Global TB Community Advisory Board (TB CAB), are published in the September 2023 issue of Public Health Action.

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Response to TB treatment trials results published and presented during the 2022 Union World Conference on Lung Health

Statement by Treatment Action Group (TAG) and the Global Tuberculosis Community Advisory Board (TB CAB)

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Updates required to the National TB guidelines to support access to shorter regimens as a human right in India

Advocates demand that the Indian government take urgent action to ensure that every eligible person with TB has access to evidence-based, short-course treatment regimens.

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International support for compulsory license to address access barriers to life-saving TB medicines

Advocates urge the Indian government to issue compulsory licenses for patents on bedaquiline and delamanid to make the drugs more affordable and accessible.

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Call for new Global TB CAB members from Russia, Brazil, Indonesia, the Philippines

Deadline for applications: 19 February 2021

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TB CAB Statement

TB CAB Access Considerations Statement Regarding Johnson & Johnson Announcement of Bedaquiline Price Reduction

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Crisis of confidence in the WHO's ability to produce normative guidance for the treatment of RR-/MDR-TB

Advocates request an urgent in-person meeting with the WHO leadership to discuss concrete actions to address technical and guideline development process-related issues previously raised.

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