Publication demonstrates how equitable deals for access to medicines can be signed with pharmaceutical industry

12 Apr 2023 — A new article published today by the Oxford University Press Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice shows how fair deals on medical research that ensure equitable access to life-saving medicines can be signed with pharmaceutical companies.

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Study confirms key therapeutic advance for children living with HIV and TB

[Seattle, USA, February 14, 2017] The non-profit research and development organization Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi) has released results of a study in South Africa that will make it easier for healthcare workers to treat children living with HIV who are co-infected with tuberculosis (TB). The study, presented as a late-breaker this week at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) in Seattle, provides essential evidence and data to counter the negative interactions between two critical HIV and TB treatments.

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“Towards Ending the Neglect?” DNDi releases update on its paediatric HIV programme

As the International AIDS Conference kicks off in Durban, the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi) has released an update on its efforts to develop optimal child-adapted antiretroviral formulations. This document details some recent progress towards its final goal of developing “4-in-1” fixed-dose combinations using the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended treat­ment regimen for infants and young chil­dren. DNDi’s update also discusses some promising developments for treatment for children living with both HIV and tuberculosis (TB).

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Initiative to find new antibiotics being launched at World Health Assembly

May 24, 2016 - A new initiative seeking to develop new antibiotic treatments is being launched today at the annual World Health Assembly. The Global Antibiotic Research and Development (GARD) is a partnership between the World Health Organization and the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi).

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MSF and DNDi join call for a biomedical research and development fund and mechanism to meet pressing global health needs

A group of renowned global health experts*, including from Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi), are calling for the creation of a global health research and development (R&D) fund and mechanism to address deadly gaps in innovation for emerging infectious diseases such as Ebola, anti-microbial resistance, and a host of other diseases that have been neglected by the pharmaceutical market. The call comes at a time when these and other public health challenges are high on political agendas in the lead up to World Health Assembly next week and the G7 Summit in June.

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