Zeba Siddiqui

Otsuka aims to apply for delamanid approval in India in 90 days

Japanese drugmaker Otsuka Pharmaceutical aims to apply for approval of its tuberculosis (TB) drug delamanid in India within three months, a senior company official said, as calls grow for expanded access to the life-saving medicine.

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India to release results of nationwide TB survey by year-end

India, which has the world's largest number of tuberculosis patients, plans to release the results of its first-ever survey mapping the prevalence of drug-resistant TB by December, two senior government officials said.

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Staff deaths at leading hospital put India's TB battle in spotlight

Oct 12 - Campaigners and a former official overseeing Asia's largest tuberculosis hospital in Mumbai say staff deaths there are being under-reported, highlighting India's growing struggle to contain multi-drug resistant forms of the contagious, airborne disease.

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New drugs still out of reach for most in India, world TB hotspot

The case of a Mumbai tailor cured of an extremely resistant form of tuberculosis this week has revived debate over a new drug to which the Indian government has limited access, prompting calls for change.

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