UNITAID publishes disease narratives that help guide its investments

GENEVA, 17 November 2015 - UNITAID is working to achieve maximum possible health impact through investments aimed at people most exposed to disease and in greatest need.

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Brazil, China, India and South Africa offer big opportunities for TB diagnostics

A new report from FIND, McGill International TB Centre, and UNITAID, entitled “TB Diagnostics Market in Select High-Burden Countries: Current Market and Future Opportunities for Novel Diagnostics”, notes that there is already a sizeable TB diagnostic market in these four countries.

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UNITAID report reviews new TB diagnostics and calls for more innovation

The updated edition of the UNITAID Tuberculosis Diagnostics Technology and Market Landscape report reviews current and potential technologies and critical market challenges to improved access to better TB diagnostics.

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Global health partners begin building a new approach to ensure equitable access to medicines

Global health partners met in Geneva to begin the process of building a new approach to better determine health needs and constraints and addressing them in countries.

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UNITAID’s EXPAND-TB and TBXpert MTB-RIF projects detect over a quarter of all MDR-TB cases

Geneva, 22nd October 2014 – UNITAID welcomes new data in the World Health Organization’s new global report on tuberculosis (TB) which shows a 30% increase in case detection of multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) in 2013, much of which is attributed to the roll out of the UNITAID-funded EXPAND-TB and TBXpert projects.

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UNITAID Tuberculosis Medicines Technology and Market Landscape (second edition)

The report details current shortcomings in the tuberculosis medicines market and opportunities to improve access to lifesaving TB treatment.

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UNITAID: Tuberculosis diagnostics technology and market landscape – 3rd edition

The report highlights current and emerging technologies from over 80 manufacturers and developers, including products which are smaller, simpler and easier to use in decentralized settings than the current tools used by the majority of high-burden TB countries.

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UNITAID Call for Letters of Intent

25 September 2014 - Geneva, Switzerland - UNITAID is pleased to announce the third Call for Letters of Intent (LOI) of its 2013-2016 strategic period, details for which are available here.

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UNITAID and the Global Fund announce formal collaboration

GENEVA – UNITAID and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria have signed a collaboration agreement around a market-shaping agenda to maximize the value for money from each organization's investments.

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UNITAID's 2013 annual report: "Transforming markets, saving lives"

Report shows UNITAID’s approach vital to remove market barriers so millions can have equitable access to new treatments for infectious diseases

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