RESIST-TB August 2024 newsletter

RESIST-TB released its August 2024 newsletter with the latest updates and research publications on drug-resistant TB.

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RESIST-TB July 2024 newsletter

RESIST-TB released its July 2024 newsletter with the latest updates and research publications on drug-resistant TB.

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RESIST-TB June 2024 newsletter

RESIST-TB released its June 2024 newsletter with the latest updates and research publications on drug-resistant TB.

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RESIST-TB webinar: Hear about endTB results

RESIST-TB will host a webinar on 30 May 2024 on endTB trial results. Dr. Mikanda Kunda, a Lesotho Principal Investigator for endTB trials and STEM-TB observational study, will be presenting.

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RESIST-TB May 2024 newsletter

RESIST-TB released its May 2024 newsletter with the latest updates and research publications on drug-resistant TB.

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RESIST-TB webinar: VQUIN and TB-CHAMP results

RESIST-TB will host a webinar on 11 April 2024 to present results from the two randomized, controlled trials -- VQUIN and TB-CHAMP -- that used levofloxacin for preventive therapy in adult and pediatric household contacts of people with multidrug- and rifampicin-resistant TB (MDR/RR-TB).

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RESIST-TB April 2024 newsletter

RESIST-TB released its April 2024 newsletter with the latest updates and research publications on drug-resistant TB.

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RESIST-TB March 2024 newsletter

RESIST-TB released its March 2024 newsletter with the latest updates and research publications on drug-resistant TB.

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RESIST-TB February 2024 newsletter

RESIST-TB released its February 2024 newsletter with the latest updates and research publications on drug-resistant TB.

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RESIST-TB Book Club: Hear from high profile authors of recent TB books

RESIST-TB will host its first TB Book Club on 30 January 2024. Two authors will join. Vidya Krishnan, author of The Phantom Plague, and Maria Smilios, author of The Black Angels will discuss their recent books about TB.

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