
Securing our TB-free future: eastern European and central Asian health leaders increase political commitment to ending TB

24 June 2024, Tashkent, Uzbekistan --The Stop TB Partnership and WHO Regional Office for Europe have brought together 100 key stakeholders and partners from 13 countries of eastern Europe and central Asia for the first time since the United Nations High-Level Meeting last September, to discuss and debate the status of the tuberculosis (TB) airborne pandemic, the high rates of drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) and challenges towards ending this disease.

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Shorter TB treatment regimen shown to be safe and effective in operational research led by WHO

National TB programs in 13 countries worked with WHO/Europe from 2020 to 2023 to examine treatment outcomes for people on 9-month treatment regimens for MDR-TB.

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The untold story: New report reveals 7,000 additional TB deaths during COVID-19 pandemic

Nearly 7,000 excess deaths from TB occurred in the WHO European Region in the three years of the pandemic from 2020-2022, compared to what experts had expected based on pre-2020 estimates.

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Standardized package of community-based support services to improve TB outcomes

A guide for affected community and civil society organizations, national TB programs and policy-makers in eastern Europe and central Asia

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Unfinished business: The challenge of ending TB in the European Region

On World TB Day 2023, ECDC and WHO/Europe issue a sobering warning that, despite having the tools to end TB, the European Region remains a long way from meeting its End TB Strategy targets.

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ECDC-WHO/Europe World TB Day webinar

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe) will host a webinar on 22 March 2023 to mark World TB Day, 'Measuring progress, moving forward towards Ending TB in Europe and Central Asia'.

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Testing for TB infection and screening for TB disease among incoming refugees from Ukraine to European countries

7 Apr 2022: In the context of the mass influx of refugees from Ukraine into the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and other European countries, ECDC and the WHO Regional Office for Europe are releasing today an information note on testing for tuberculosis infection and screening for tuberculosis disease.

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ECDC-WHO report: TB surveillance and monitoring in Europe 2020

ECDC and WHO/Europe release a joint report providing an overview of the latest TB epidemiological situation in the WHO European Region.

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Webinar: WHO review of National TB Programs

On 22 April 2021, the TB Europe Coalition in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe, invites civil society and TB-affected community from Eastern Europe and Central Asia countries to join a capacity building online event 'Exploring practical opportunities for civil society and TB-affected community through WHO National TB Program reviews to improve collaboration and accountability'.

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Ending TB is a race against time and drug resistance

TB burden in the WHO European Region as a whole is decreasing. However, TB is second only to COVID-19 as an infectious disease that kills, and drug resistance is a major concern.

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