civil society organizations

The European Commission must scale up its contribution to the Global Fund

Advocates call on the European Commission to make an early pledge of € 715 million to the Global Fund’s replenishment campaign.

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Advocates ring the alarm on TB medicines and diagnostics stock outs across India

Civil society networks in India call for the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and the National TB Elimination Program to take urgent action.

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Sustain, Adapt, Protect: A Call to Action on HIV, TB and COVID-19

Organizations are invited to sign on to a Call to Action on HIV, TB and COVID-19 developed by Frontline AIDS, ARASA, Global Coalition of TB Activists and TBpeople, alongside community organizations.

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Civil society call for equitable and affordable access to COVID-19 and related diagnostics

Advocates call for a higher level of global coordination, transparency, and accountability to ensure sustainable and equitable access to testing.

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Ad-hoc donations of bedaquiline threaten sustainable, affordable access for patients

Advocates call on Indian Minister of Health to discontinue and phase out the drug donations of bedaquiline offered by Johnson & Johnson.

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AIDS, TB and malaria: Don't be infected by indifference: Sign a petition!

The petition will be delivered to the Heads of States and Governments prior to the next Global Fund replenishment conference in October 2019.

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Towards the UN High-Level Meeting on TB: Recommendations by German civil society organizations

Seven fields of action should be given specific emphasis and advocated for as part of the processes around the UN High-Level Meeting on TB.

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Health groups call on Indian Government to urgently make life-saving TB drug available

Health groups call on the Indian Government to incorporate the life-saving TB drug delamanid into the Revised National TB Control Programme.

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Public health groups welcome Johns Hopkins University and Medicines Patent Pool agreement for development of promising new TB drug

While deal marks a critical step in the fight against TB, health groups warn that the deal lacks safeguards that would ensure worldwide affordability.

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Advocates call on the Indian Prime Minister to ensure availability of new TB drugs to combat drug-resistant TB

Advocates urge Prime Minister Modi to take immediate action to save a young woman, dying of XDR-TB and to roll out life-saving innovations to tackle the growing burden of drug-resistant TB in India.

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