2023 TB HLM Affected Communities and Civil Society Coordination Hub: Deep dive calls - Register for the upcoming calls March-September 2023
The Coordination Hub will be hosting bi-weekly deep dive calls during the period 30 March - 28 September 2023, providing regular updates on all things related to the upcoming Multi-stakeholder hearing on TB and TB HLM. You only need to register once to attend all upcoming calls!
The 2023 TB HLM Affected Communities and Civil Society Coordination Hub has been constituted to support and provide a platform for the affected communities and the civil society to engage with all processes of the upcoming 2023 UN High-Level Meeting on TB (TB HLM) to be held on 22 September in New York, USA. The Hub is hosted by the Global Fund Advocates Network (GFAN) and supported by the Stop TB Partnership.
The Coordination Hub will be hosting bi-weekly deep dive calls (every second and fourth Thursday) during the period 30 March - 28 September 2023, providing regular updates on all things related to the upcoming Multi-stakeholder hearing on TB and High-Level Meeting on TB.
You only need to register once to attend all upcoming deep dive calls. Register here.
Recordings of the previous calls are available here.