Storytelling to support TB preventive treatment

Three storyboards describe the experiences of people who took TB preventive treatment (TPT): Daud Yamikani of Malawi took a three-month regimen called 3HP after his wife was treated for bone TB, Josephat Asande of Kenya took 3HP when his cousin was staying with him and undergoing treatment for drug-sensitive TB, and Ganesh Acharya of India took TPT for 36 months after a roommate developed TB back in 2009.

The storyboards are meant to be used by community leaders and advocates in conjunction with other materials for TB awareness raising and to strengthen TB diagnosis and treatment literacy among affected communities.

Access the storyboards here.

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By Treatment Action Group

Published: Oct. 30, 2022, 8:12 p.m.

Last updated: Nov. 1, 2022, 8:16 p.m.

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