A higher standard of TB care webinar materials now available online

On September 2nd and 3rd, Treatment Action Group (TAG) held a webinar series, “Demanding a Higher Standard of TB Care: New Tools, New Challenges, New Approaches to Improving TB Diagnosis and Treatment,” officially launching the two latest additions to TAG’s series of materials designed for community leaders, An Activist’s Guide to Treatment for Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis and An Activist’s Guide to Tuberculosis Diagnostic Tools.

The webinars featured leading experts and activists from across the world, discussing the changing diagnostic and treatment landscapes and challenges faced by communities affected by TB, and offering strategies for mobilizing political will and promoting access to innovations and a higher standard of TB care.

Recordings, transcripts, and presentations are available at the following link: https://www.treatmentactiongroup.org/webinar/demanding-a-higher-standard-of-tb-care/

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By Treatment Action Group

Published: Sept. 23, 2020, 1:57 a.m.

Last updated: Oct. 2, 2020, 1 a.m.

Tags: TB care, Advocacy

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