ICOH calls for a strong global effort to promote occupational safety and health strategies to prevent TB in high-risk worker populations

The International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH) recently put out two statements advocating for work place interventions to prevent TB among health workers and silica exposed workers (e.g. construction and mining). ICOH is also hoping to have these opportunities to prevent TB highlighted in the final declaration of the UN High-Level Meeting on TB in September.

ICOH is now asking organizations working on TB/global health to endorse these statements and to be included on a list posted online with the statements. The statements are posted at http://www.icohweb.org/site/ICOH-TB-Statements.asp.

Organizations already endorsing the ICOH TB statements are listed here.

The instructions for your organization to be added to the list are as follows:

  • To have an organization or association listed, please send an email or letter with the full name of your organization, country, and website; and also your name, position with the organization, and your email address. Please indicate if your organization is “endorsing the ICOH Statement Preventing Tuberculosis Among Health Workers” and/or is “endorsing the ICOH Statement Preventing TB Among Silica Dust Exposed Workers.” The correspondence should be addressed to Marilyn Fingerhut at mfingerhut1@aol.com.

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Published: Aug. 10, 2018, 9:51 p.m.

Last updated: Aug. 10, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

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