Friends of the Global Fight releases new brief examining U.S. leadership on HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria

Friends of the Global Fight: At the Tipping Point: U.S. Leadership to End AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

“…This forward-looking report asks: what is the end goal of America’s considerable investment in tackling the deadliest infectious diseases of our time? … Like the epidemics themselves, American policy has reached a tipping point. We have a choice before us — we can mobilize partners to see through our highly efficient investments in global health and accelerate the end of these epidemics, or we can stall and permit resurgence and drug resistance to overpower major progress to date. This report details U.S. efforts against each of the three diseases, and calls for a stepped-up, global effort to end the epidemics. This would include smart new investments by other countries and the private and philanthropic sectors, matched by modest new resources from the U.S., where global health funding has been essentially flat for nearly a decade…”

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By Friends of the Global Fight

Published: April 13, 2018, 1:27 p.m.

Last updated: April 13, 2018, 1:27 p.m.

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