Nagaland Users’ Network asks Indian government to release TB funds

Alleging that non-release of funds meant for TB programme has hampered the TB control programme in the state, Nagaland Users’ Network (NUN) has demanded that the state government immediately release the funds.

In a press release, NUN advocacy officer, Renbonthung Tungoe claimed that quality service could not be implemented due to delayed in the funding. He said the delay in the release of funds could lead to spread of new TB infections and treatment success rate have been compromised.

Nagaland Users’ Network also accused state treasury of repeatedly delaying in releasing the funds when the Central TB division had sanctioned the total amount to the state RNTCP division.

While acknowledging RNTCP division for continuing the programme implementation despite the financial challenges, Nagaland Users’ Network has urged state government to accelerate and release the remaining amount of Rs. 95.35 lakh for the TB programme (2015-16).

Nagaland Users’ Network claimed that non-governmental organisations (NGOs) were left unpaid and certain programmes were not carried out due to delay in the release of funds.

Nagaland Users’ Network therefore, has appealed state government to give priority on health issues, maintaining that funds should not be an issue when the health of the citizens is concerned.

Source: Nagaland Post

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By Nagaland Post

Published: May 20, 2016, 11:05 a.m.

Last updated: May 20, 2016, 11:05 a.m.

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