New guide helps civil society identify EU funding opportunities in Europe

The TB Europe Coalition launched a guide for civil society organisations across the European region explaining how to access European Union (EU) funding to support their TB and HIV activities.

Every year, the EU invests several billions of Euros in cooperation with Eastern European and Central Asian countries. EU funding could represent an important source of support to health systems as well as TB and HIV projects, especially at a time when other major external donors are withdrawing their support from the region.

The aim of the guide is to provide local actors, especially civil society organisations, with simple and practical suggestions on how to make best use of EU funding opportunities to support TB, HIV and harm reduction projects. It provides a snapshot of all the different EU funding instruments, with concrete examples on how they have already been used in the past by NGOs in countries, giving some useful tips on the best way to leverage funding.

You can download the guide, How to leverage European Union funding for health in Eastern Europe & Central Asia? here.

Source: TB Europe Coalition

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By TB Europe Coalition

Published: April 20, 2016, 11:50 p.m.

Last updated: April 21, 2016, 8:51 p.m.

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