EU Civil Society calls on EC to ensure improving EU-Eastern Partnership Policy Framework on HIV/AIDS, TB and viral hepatitis

Advocates request that the EC immediately start working on a comprehensive EU-Eastern Partnership Policy Framework, which will pave the way for HIV, tuberculosis and viral hepatitis elimination in both the EU and the Eastern European Region.

European Civil Society Organisations that work in the field of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and viral hepatitis called on Mr President of European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, to ensure that the EC immediately starts working on a comprehensive EU-Eastern Partnership Policy Framework, which will pave the way for HIV, tuberculosis and viral hepatitis elimination in both the EU and the Eastern neighbourhood.

The HIV/AIDS Civil Society Forum, AIDS Action Europe, European AIDS Treatment Group, Stop AIDS Alliance, TB Europe Coalition, Correlation - European Network Social Inclusion & Health, Coalition Internationale SIDA and ELPA - European Liver Patience Association also want to reach out to the European Parliament’s Committee on Environment Public Health and Food Safety to organise a hearing on HIV, tuberculosis and viral hepatitis in 2016 in the context of a policy framework at the Commission level and the WHO and UNAIDS 2016-2021 strategies.

What this action needs first and foremost is the political leadership and support.

Source: AIDS Action Europe

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By civil society organizations

Published: Sept. 30, 2015, 6:07 p.m.

Last updated: Sept. 30, 2015, 6:19 p.m.

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