RESIST-TB survey on your experience gaining or attempting to gain access to new TB drugs

The survey can be found here. It is prepared by RESIST-TB. RESIST-TB is a movement to promote and conduct research on the treatment and prevention of drug-resistant tuberculosis, with a commitment to address the substantial existing gaps in our knowledge and to help provide access to an effective cure and prophlyaxis of drug-resistant tuberculosis throughout the world.

This survey aims to compile experiences of both successful and unsuccessful efforts to gain access to new TB drugs through compassionate use, expanded access, or other pre-approval mechanisms and to gather information on effective strategies and potential roadblocks to accessing new TB drugs.

Sharing your experience will contribute to the collective knowledge of advocating for increased access to treatment.
This survey can take as few as 5 minutes and as great as 25 minutes, depending on the extent of your experience you choose to share. Please note, if you would like to report your experience for more than one country, please take the survey for each country.

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Published: Aug. 3, 2015, 2:42 p.m.

Last updated: Aug. 3, 2015, 2:46 p.m.

Tags: Advocacy

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