EECA: Civil Society Consultation to develop the Global Fund’s strategy for 2017-2021 took place

Suggestions and a strategy guiding relevant advocacy interventions for key priority issues to be considered by the Global Fund’s new Strategy have been developed.

On July 12-13, 2015, a Civil Society Consultation to develop the Global Fund’s strategy for 2017-2021 took place in Chisinau, Moldova. It was organized by the Communities Delegation on the Board of The Global Fund with support from the Eurasian Harm Reduction Network. The Consultation brought together representatives of regional networks such as EHRN, ECUO, ECOM, ENPUD, EWNA, SWAN, TBEC, ITPCru, as well as members of several Delegations on the Board of the Global Fund (including the Communities Delegation, the Developed and Developing Country NGO Delegations and the EECA Delegation) in order to develop suggestions and a strategy guiding relevant advocacy interventions for key priority issues that must be considered by the Global Fund’s new Strategy. The Consultation was held in advance of the Global Fund’s 3d Partnership Forum.

The meeting resulted in a document summarizing key topics in the context of the fight against HIV and TB in EECA, as well as the participants’ positions on a number of issues for each topic that according to the participants (representatives of civil society and communities in EECA) should be reflected in the Global Fund’s new Strategy for 2017-2021.

It is crucial that representatives of civil society and vulnerable groups that will participate in various meetings to discuss the Global Fund’s new Strategy (these meetings will be taking place in the coming months in various regions and countries) be aware of these key positions of our region’s civil society regarding the Global Fund’s Strategy, and could use those positions when presenting and participating in working groups, meetings, etc.

On September 3-4, the Global Fund’s 3d Partnership Forum will take place in Buenos Aires. The Forum will discuss the Global Fund’s new Strategy, and EECA representatives will be in attendance. It is planned that based on the key topics and positions provided in this document, regional networks will prepare for the Partnership Forum a Positioning Document on the Global Fund’s new Strategy.

Download: Key themes and positions on the Global Fund Strategy 2017–2021 as stated by civil society representatives from Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Source: Eurasian Harm Reduction Network

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By Eurasian Harm Reduction Network, civil society

Published: July 29, 2015, 9:53 p.m.

Last updated: July 30, 2015, 12:15 a.m.

Tags: Access, Advocacy

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