TAG open letter to the Global Plan Development Task Force

Re: Inclusion of pediatric-specific targets in the Global Plan to Stop TB, 2016-2020

On March 2, 2015 Treatment Action Group (TAG) sent an open letter to the Global Plan Development Task Force requesting that pediatric-specific program interventions and research and development targets be included in the Global Plan to Stop TB, 2016-2020.

The Global Plan is a critical tool for advocacy and shaping the development of global and national post-2015 tuberculosis (TB) agendas. To end the longstanding neglect of children in TB programs and research; it is imperative that the Global Plan include pediatric-specific targets.

To download the open letter, click here.

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By Treatment Action Group

Published: March 4, 2015, 3:55 p.m.

Last updated: March 4, 2015, 4:57 p.m.

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