WHO/Europe: Report of high-level meeting on World TB Day 2014 published

The report of the high-level meeting organized to commemorate World Tuberculosis Day 2014 is now published.

WHO/Europe organized the event to commemorate the discovery of the tuberculosis (TB) bacterium (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) by Robert Koch on 24 March 1882.

A high-level panel discussed the progress in, challenges for and next steps in TB prevention, control and care in the WHO European Region, setting the scene for further work on the prevention and control X/MDR-TB in the Region in the context of the new post-2015 Global Stop TB Strategy.

Ambassadors and representatives of diplomatic missions of Member States in Denmark as well as directors and high-level representatives of partner organizations participated in the event, whose key aim was to keep TB high on the political agenda of decision-makers with the ultimate goal of contributing to the elimination of this deadly but curable disease. This advocacy event raised awareness about TB, thus contributing to better TB care in the Region.

High-level meeting to commemorate World Tuberculosis Day 2014: A report

Source: WHO/Europe

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By WHO/Europe

Published: Aug. 3, 2014, 1:30 p.m.

Last updated: Aug. 3, 2014, 1:33 p.m.

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