Brochure: Reach the 3 Million

WHO, Stop TB Partnership and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB & Malaria launch joint brochure on Reaching the 3 Million for World TB Day.

Of the nine million people a year who get sick with TB, three million of them are ‘missed’ by health systems. On World TB Day this year, we call for a global effort to find, treat and cure all those ill with TB and accelerate progress towards zero TB deaths, infections, suffering and stigma.

This joint brochure, issued by the World Health Organization, the Stop TB Partnership and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, highlights the problem of the millions missing out on quality care and calls for everyone suffering from TB to have access to quality TB care including diagnosis, treatment, prevention and cure.

It provides an overview on who is missing out on care and why, and highlights examples of effective solutions that can be pursued by grassroots organizations, governments and the global community.

Dr Mario Raviglione, WHO Director of the Global TB Programme said, "We hope our focus this year on the people ill with TB who are missed helps drive practical action in the field. We cannot miss the opportunity now with new TB strategy, new diagnostics, and more partners engaged in universal health coverage and TB efforts, to reach all people and communities - they have a right to access quality diagnosis and care."

"It is easy to reach people like me with TB services, but to reach those most vulnerable, most at risk, those that are poor, weak, scared, stigmatized, and alone - for this, you need additional efforts, you need innovative thinking and, beyond anything else, you need to care. I am happy we are having this conversation on reaching, treating and curing everyone with TB at a global level. This is what it is all about," said Dr Lucica Ditiu, Executive Secretary of the Stop TB Partnership.

"Our partners are driving a more targeted approach, and we fully support that," said Mark Dybul, the executive director of the Global Fund. "People in countries with these missing cases can take advantage of the flexibility and agility of the new funding model to reach more people affected by TB."

To download the full brochure click here.

Source: Stop TB Partnership

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By World Health Organization, Stop TB Partnership, Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

Published: March 22, 2014, 5:25 p.m.

Last updated: March 22, 2014, 11:40 p.m.

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