WHO releases several fact sheets on SDG health targets in WHO European Region

Sept. 12, 2017, 11:30 p.m.

WHO/Europe: Fact sheets on Sustainable Development Goals: health targets

WHO released 13 fact sheets on health targets in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including antimicrobial resistance, child and adolescent health, climate change, essential medicine, immunization systems, malaria, measles and rubella, mental health, polio, sexual and reproductive health, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis and HIV. These fact sheets “present key facts and figures, ongoing commitments, guidance on action, and indicators to monitor progress — in the context of the WHO European Region. They also provide specific highlights on how WHO/Europe supports its member states in achieving these targets, and cover key SDG aspects such as equity, partnerships, and intersectoral collaboration” (September 2017).

Source: Kaiser Daily Global Health Policy Report