WHO high-level event galvanizes commitment and action to accelerate the global drive to scale up TB prevention

World Health Organization
June 18, 2021, 11:09 p.m.
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A joint Call to Action 2.0, released by WHO and partners, calls for urgent actions by governments and donors to step up momentum to rapidly enhance coverage of TB preventive treatment for those in need.

On 16 June 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) convened a special high-level event to discuss key actions needed at global and country level to scale up TB prevention strategies and drive progress towards achieving the 2022 UN High-Level Meeting target on TB preventive treatment.

A joint Call to Action 2.0 was released by WHO and partners calling for urgent actions by governments and donors to step up momentum to rapidly enhance coverage of TB preventive treatment for those in need.

For full details about the event (including recording) and to access the accompanying documents (Call to Action 2.0 and Advocacy Toolkit), click here.

Source: WHO