WHO call for expressions of interest: Experts to conduct systematic reviews of the evidence on TB and undernutrition

World Health Organization
June 27, 2023, 8:41 a.m.

27 June 2023 | Geneva: WHO's Global Tuberculosis Programme has initiated a process to review the evidence on TB and nutrition to update the previous WHO guidelines: Nutritional care and support for patients with tuberculosis.

Tuberculosis remains one of the world’s top infectious killers, causing 1.6 million deaths each year and affecting millions more. Undernourishment is one of the most important risk factors that drives the TB epidemic. According to the Global TB Report, an estimated 2.2 million new TB episodes were attributed to undernutrition in 2021. Since the publication of previous guidelines, additional evidence on nutritional care and support for people with TB disease and their contacts has been published.

WHO is seeking expressions of interest from academic institutions or other entities with relevant expertise and documented experience in systematic reviews, data synthesis (including meta-analysis) and GRADE processes. The entity should be able to work independently as well as interact regularly and collaboratively with staff from WHO's Global Tuberculosis Programme team and other technical experts as required. For more details on the work and requirements please review the detailed terms of reference.

Groups interested in conducting reviews for one or more of the research questions, outlined within the terms of reference should submit an expression of interest letter specifying details on their relevant capacity and experience in similar type of work on systematic reviews and meta-analyses, together with the resumes of the lead applicant as well as a list of the persons to be involved. The expression of interest should also detail the proposed methodology and timeline for the evidence reviews to be conducted, along with a budget estimate for the work.

Please send your submissions to the WHO Global Tuberculosis Programme at baddeleya@who.int by close of business on Friday 14 July 2023. The expressions of interest received will go through a review process and the successful candidate will be notified upon completion of this process.

Source: World Health Organization