The Union: New Community Advisory Panel elected

International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
April 29, 2023, 8:55 p.m.

The Union has elected a new Community Advisory Panel.

The Union’s Community Advisory Panel (UCAP) is a voluntary group of engaged members of affected communities and civil society from across the world. They advise The Union’s Board and management on how best to address the needs of affected communities and civil society through the organisation’s activities.

UCAP also lead Community Connect coordination at The Union World Conference on Lung Health.

The new chair and Europe representative is Zahedul Islam, Director of Treatment, Procurement, and Supply Management at Alliance for Public Health – Ukraine.

Zahedul said: “This year UCAP has selected many young and talented TB advocates, civil society organisation representatives, and survivors to join the advisory panel. This will help us bring community voices from all across the TB community while developing the UCAP strategies and the Community Connect agenda for the Union World Conference on Lung Health 2023. I am fortunate to have such a talented team to work with for the next three years.”

The new UCAP members are:

Find out more about the new UCAP members.

Source: The Union