Two critical tools to support TB affected communities launched

Stop TB Partnership
Feb. 21, 2020, 6:08 p.m.
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Two new tools to support TB affected communities and national TB programs, the TB Stigma Assessment Tool and The Right to Breathe: Human rights training for people with and affected by TB, are now available online.

The Stop TB Partnership, together with partners at USAID, Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, ACT! Asia-Pacific, Global Coalition of TB Activists (GCTA), TB Europe Coalition, ACT Africa, Americas TB Coalition, DRAF TB from Francophone Africa, TBpeople, KNCV, APCASO, We are TB, REACH India, CISMAT Sierra Leone, and World Health Organisation (WHO) launched two tools to support TB affected communities and national TB programs: The Stop TB Partnership's TB Stigma Assessment Tool and The Right to Breathe: Human rights training for people with and affected by TB.

The United Nations High-Level Meeting on TB Political Declaration contains clear commitments by countries to end all TB stigma and discrimination, to prioritize the involvement of communities and civil society, and to develop health services through approaches that protect and promote equity, ethics, gender equality and human rights. Two new tools will support these efforts.

To read the full announcement, click here.

Source: Stop TB Partnership