Twenty-two civil society organizations to receive grants from the Stop TB Partnership

Stop TB Partnership
June 1, 2014, 7 p.m.

27 May 2014 - Geneva, Switzerland - The Stop TB Partnership Challenge Facility for Civil Society will fund 22 civil society organizations across Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America through its 6th round of grants. The mission of the Challenge Facility is to support community-based organizations engaged in Global Fund work and activities with key affected populations to empower them to become part of the solution in the fight against TB.

"Without the efforts of small NGOs and grassroots organizations, untold thousands of people would remain unaware that they need TB care or how to go about accessing it. Supporting as many of these groups as we can is critical to our mission," said Dr Lucica Ditiu, Executive Secretary of the Stop TB Partnership.

"The Challenge Facility is a key mechanism in specifically giving a voice to community-based and civil society organizations in the Global Fund processes. The latest round of funding will allow us to accelerate efforts in strengthening the position of organizations working on TB in country processes," said Ms Jenniffer Dietrich, Challenge Facility Manager.

Proposals are selected by an independent committee composed of 10 representatives from the community affected by TB, NGOs from developing and developed countries and multilateral or technical agencies. To date, the Challenge Facility has awarded over US $2 million in grants going to 38 countries. A total of 121 grants have been awarded in Rounds 1 to 6.

See here for the full list of Round 6 grantees.

Source: Stop TB Partnership