TB/HIV Research Frontiers Meeting in conjunction with the 22nd Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2015)

World Health Organization
Dec. 6, 2014, 11:45 p.m.

23 Februrary 2015, 11:30-13:30 | Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 1400 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101, USA

The 9th CROI-affiliated HIV/TB Research Frontiers meeting will be convened by the World Health Organization in Seattle, Washington on 23 February, 2015 from 11:30 to 13:30. The main aim of the meeting will be to promote high level scientific interchange of ideas and updates about ongoing clinical trials on the use of empiric TB treatment for people living with HIV and assess their eventual impact on policy change. The meeting will also discuss rifamycins, sharing updates from ongoing clinical trials, and will explore and debate mechanisms to facilitate their use in resource constrained settings to prevent TB in people living with HIV. The meeting is intended for HIV and TB researchers, implementers and public health policy makers.

Attendance will be by invitation only and on a first come first serve basis. A light lunch will be served during the meeting. If you are interested in participating please send your interest to tbhiv@who.int at your earliest convenience but no later than close of business on 9th February 2015.


Chairs: Richard Chaisson, Johns Hopkins Medicine and Constance Benson, University of California, San Diego

Conveners: Haileyesus Getahun and Meg Doherty, WHO

11:30-11:35: Introduction and objectives of meeting

11:35-11:55: Ongoing trials on empiric TB treatment for people living with HIV: prospects and challenges for policy recommendation (Haileyesus Getahun)

11:55-12:00: Commentary (Salim Abdool Karim, Centre of the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa)

12:00-12:30: Discussion

12:30-12:50: What more is required to use rifamycin regimens to prevent TB in people living with HIV in resource constrained ssettings? (Gary Maartens, University of Cape Town, South Africa)

12:50-12:55: Commentary (José Miro, University of Barcelona, Spain)

12:55-13:25: Discussion

13:25-13:30: Concluding remarks (Eric Goosby, University of California, San Francisco)

For reports of previous research meetings please click on this link.

Source: WHO