TAG's 2022 Pipeline Report: TB Diagnostics

Treatment Action Group
Nov. 11, 2022, 9:41 p.m.
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Treatment Action Group launches the 2022 Tuberculosis Diagnostics Pipeline Report.

To effectively treat TB, people with TB must first be diagnosed – but last year, only 6.4 million out of 10.6 million people with active TB were diagnosed and notified. This nearly 40 percent gap points to the need for better TB diagnostics and improved access to care.

Treatment Action Group (TAG) released the 2022 Tuberculosis Diagnostics Pipeline Report by TAG TB Project Officer David Branigan. The report details the TB diagnostic technologies currently under development and emphasizes five key research priorities: (1) pediatric TB diagnostics, (2) point-of-care urine LAM tests, (3) non-sputum point-of-care molecular tests for TB and drug-resistant TB, (4) TB screening and triage tools, and (5) algorithms for TB screening and diagnostic testing. Moving forward, increased investment and involvement of affected communities in TB diagnostics research and development will be key to ensuring that everyone at risk of TB benefits from scientific progress and receives the best available care.  

The 2022 Tuberculosis Diagnostics Pipeline Report is available here. It is part of a series of Pipeline reports covering TB Vaccines, a forthcoming report on TB Treatment, as well as reports on HIV and long-acting technologies for hepatitis C, opioid use and overdose prevention, and malaria.

Source: TAG