Treatment Action Group (TAG) launches newly available TB chapters of its 2020 Pipeline Report.
TAG released newly available TB chapters of its 2020 Pipeline Report. This annual publication reviews progress in research and development for TB diagnostic, preventive, and treatment innovations.
In the following 2020 Pipeline Report chapters, available online via easily downloadable PDFs, you will find:
Tuberculosis Diagnostics by David Branigan
Detailed information on the range of new diagnostic tools for TB and drug-resistant TB currently in the pipeline, including how they are expected to address the shortcomings of existing tools and move closer toward meeting the World Health Organization and FIND target criteria; the science and technology behind these new tools and considerations for implementing them in health care settings; and ways to take action to promote TB diagnostics research and access.
Tuberculosis Vaccines by Mike Frick
Reviews of notable advances in the clinical development of new TB vaccines, including an inventory of recently completed, ongoing, and planned clinical trials, as well as in-depth discussions of studies of BCG revaccination, M72/AS01E, ID93/GLA-SE, among other TB vaccine candidates.
Tuberculosis Preventive Therapy by Mike Frick
An inventory of recently completed, ongoing, and planned clinical trials of TB preventive therapy (TPT), including a detailed discussion of recent studies of the 3HP regimen in people living with HIV and pregnant women and an overview of efforts to develop long-acting formulations of TPT.
Tuberculosis Treatment by Lindsay McKenna
Summaries of influential treatment studies and data sets, including results from two large phase III trials to evaluate four-month regimens for treating drug-sensitive TB; and information on new drugs and regimens in clinical development for TB as well as the initiatives and approaches expected to drive them forward.
Source: TAG