TAG launches two new TB Activist Guides

Treatment Action Group
July 28, 2020, 6:03 p.m.
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Treatment Action Group launches two new TB Activist Guides: An Activist’s Guide to Tuberculosis Diagnostic Tools, and An Activist’s Guide to Treatment for Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis.

These new resources are designed to help activists unpack recent updates to World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines and advocate for TB diagnostic and treatment innovations recommended therein; identify access barriers and sources of resistance and inertia to implementation; and take actions necessary to ensure that all people at risk of TB receive quality diagnostic testing and access to appropriate treatment in line with WHO guidelines and the highest available standard of care.

These new resources available for download here and here are part of TAG’s signature series of Activist Guides. Other resources in this series include: An Activist’s Guide to the LAM Test and An Activist’s Guide to Rifapentine for the Treatment of TB Infection.

Source: TAG