Stephen Lewis' keynote talk at TB2016 in Durban

Stephen Lewis
July 18, 2016, 11:45 a.m.
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Stephen Lewis’ keynote address delivered at #TB2016 Durban, South Africa, July 17, 2016.

"I remind you of the words of Dr. Motsoaledi: quote “We will not end AIDS without ending TB. We will either succeed or fail together, so walking alone is not an option... In South Africa we are ensuring that every person who receives an HIV test is also tested for TB, and every person with TB, is tested for HIV”, end quote. How much clearer can you be?"

"I would argue that it’s absolutely necessary to name and shame countries, openly, unapologetically, when their political fraudulence puts their own citizens at risk. Enough of the deference. Enough of the gentle, diplomatic niceties."

To access the full speech, click here.