Special mapping of existing TB training curricula and related materials

World Health Organization KNCV
Oct. 11, 2019, 2:39 p.m.

11 October 2019 | Geneva: TB care is a rapidly evolving field with regular updates to policies and guidelines based on newly emerging evidence. WHO and partners frequently receive requests from member states for training curricula to facilitate rapid adoption and adaptation of WHO guidance at country level. This is especially critical given the push for accelerating the TB response to reach the targets in the political declaration of the United Nations high-level meeting on TB by Heads of State in 2018. These are aligned with the End TB Strategy and TB related Sustainable Development Goals.

WHO leadership is working to establish an Academy, to reach millions of people with innovative learning via a state-of-the-art digital learning experience platform.

Considering the above, WHO Global TB Programme, is conducting a mapping of existing TB training curricula and related materials for multiple stakeholders, with the support of KNCV. This situational analysis will confirm partners engaged in TB related training activities, available materials and their targeted audiences, as well as best practices.

Going forward, this information will be used to inform the development of a global digital training platform for TB. It will also help to identify partners interested in participating in consultations relevant to the building of such a platform.

We are issuing a call for information on existing TB related training materials developed by your organization for the purpose to enable the mapping exercise. We would also welcome interest in a possible collaboration with WHO on the development of a global TB related training platform going forward.

Please provide the necessary information at the link here no later than 31 October 2019.

Source: WHO