Romania’s Ministry of Health approves the country’s National Strategy for TB Control 2015-2020

Stop TB Partnership
March 1, 2015, 10:32 p.m.

26 February 2015 - Romania - The Romanian government this week approved the National Strategy for TB Control for the period 2015-2020. The Strategy aims to reduce TB incidence and mortality by providing prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment and an increased adherence to treatment as recommended by WHO. Despite progress in the last 12 years, Romania still has one of the highest rates of TB in the European Union. It is four times above the EU average, and it has one of the lowest rates of treatment success with rising rates of TB infection.

The National Strategy is based on scientific studies conducted both in the country and WHO recommendations. It is an essential programmatic document that will allow for a more rigorous and effective approach to combat TB. The country has ambitious targets to eliminate TB as a public health problem in Romania by 2015.

By 2020, the Strategy aims to ensure universal access to rapid diagnostic methods and diagnose at least 85% of all TB cases, including MDR-TB cases. It also hopes to achieve the successful treatment of at least 90% of new cases, and 85% of re-treatments, reduce overall mortality rates and strengthen the health system’s capacity to control TB.

For more information, please see here.

Source: Stop TB Partnership