Resources for TB diagnostic product developers

Madhukar Pai
Jan. 30, 2016, 12:28 p.m.

Prof Madhukar Pai, MD, PhD, of McGill University compiled links to several helpful resources, including TB diagnostics landscape and market analyses, target product profiles for priority TB diagnostics, and a list of frequently asked questions to facilitate the development of new TB diagnostic tools.

1. Replacing smear microscopy for the diagnosis of tuberculosis: What is the market potential? Eur Respir J 2014.
2. Market Assessment of Tuberculosis Diagnostics in Brazil in 2012. PLoS ONE 2014.
3. Market Assessment of Tuberculosis Diagnostics in South Africa in 2012-2013. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2015.
4. Market Assessment of Tuberculosis Diagnostics in India in 2013. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2016.
5. Market Assessment of Tuberculosis Diagnostics in China in 2012. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2016. ttp://
6. Xpert MTB/RIF for tuberculosis: access and price in highly privatized health markets. Lancet Global Health 2016.
7. Potential market for novel TB diagnostics: worth the investment? J Infect Dis 2015.
8. TB diagnostics market in select high-burden countries: Current market and future opportunities for novel diagnostics. 2015.