The Red Arrow: A symbol to unite us against TB

Lucica Ditiu Stop TB Partnership
Dec. 5, 2015, 8:33 p.m.
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Lucica Ditiu: The Red Arrow represents our unwavering commitment to move forward with the mission until we reach the finish line to End TB. The symbol belongs to no single organization, person, tagline, or agenda. It represents our unity against TB, and it’s in our hands to shape and give meaning to.

December 4, 2015 - As the TB community comes together in Cape Town this week for an unprecedented push forward for our cause, there is a still a troubling fact - most people in the world still think of TB as a disease of the past, despite its devastating impact as the world’s leading infectious killer.

As those on the frontlines of this fight, it’s time for us to change this. There has never been a better time or a greater need for a symbol to represent our cause.

Today, we’re pleased to share the Red Arrow – a symbol for our solidarity towards a world without TB. The arrow represents our unwavering commitment to move forward with the mission until we reach the finish line to End TB.

Yesterday I had the privilege of being part of a community TB march and felt energized to see hundreds of people wearing the red arrow symbol marching the streets of Cape Town calling for leaders around the world to End TB. It was powerful to see how a symbol united activists, political leaders, researchers, and people affected by TB against a common cause.

The red arrow was developed with the inputs of thousands of stakeholders from all corners of the TB community. The symbol belongs to no single organization, person, tagline, or agenda. It represents our unity against TB, and it’s in our hands to shape and give meaning to.

For those attending the Annual Union conference in Cape Town, keep an eye out for the red arrow pins.  If you’d like us to send you some, let us know here.

Thank you for your support!

Dr Lucica Ditiu
Executive Director
Stop TB Partnership

Source: Stop TB Partnership