"Reach, Treat, Cure Everyone": Stop TB Partnership announces theme for World TB Day 2015

Stop TB Partnership
Jan. 19, 2015, 7:02 p.m.
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For World TB Day 2015, partners will continue to call for a global effort to find, treat and cure all people with TB and accelerate progress towards the bold goal of ending TB by 2035.

15 January 2015 -- Geneva, Switzerland -- Every year, there is an estimated 9 million new TB cases but consistently 3 million cases were either not diagnosed, not treated, or diagnosed but not registered by national TB programmes (NTPs). Major efforts are needed to close this gap.

Following discussions and consultation with partners, the Stop TB Partnership has announced the theme for World TB Day 2015. The overall theme will continue on from 2014 -- Reach the 3 Million. The main sub-theme and message for this year will be "Reach, Treat, Cure Everyone".

For World TB Day 2015, partners will continue to call for a global effort to find, treat and cure all people with TB and accelerate progress towards the bold goal of ending TB by 2035.

The Stop TB Partnership is developing a set of proposed campaign materials and messaging including a World TB Day Messaging Manifesto, updated World TB Day designs and visuals, and advocacy materials to support outreach to important stakeholders, including Ministers of Health and Parliamentarians.

Source: Stop TB Partnership