Partnering and Public Health Practice - Experience of national TB partnerships

Stop TB Partnership
Aug. 6, 2013, 7:52 p.m.
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The publication "Partnering and Public Health Practice - Experience of national TB partnerships" was published by the Stop TB Partnership and WHO in June 2013. This publication presents the activities and approaches taken by 23 national TB partnerships to support the work of national TB programmes and partners in countries across the six WHO regions.

By highlighting best practices and effective examples from existing partnerships, the document aims to explain the work and achievements of current national partnerships and equip others with the necessary information to create their own.

The publication was developed by the National and Global Partnership Team at the Stop TB Partnership Secretariat through in-depth interviewees conducted with the secretariat, national TB programmes and partners’ representatives for each of the 23 national TB partnerships between February and June 2012.

Read the publication

Source: Stop TB Partnership