New WHO publication: Understanding and using tuberculosis data

World Health Organization
Aug. 17, 2014, 8:09 p.m.
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The handbook shows how to use various data sources, presents existing tools to analyse the quality of data and describes methods to estimate the burden of TB and related trends.

Country health information systems provide a rich source of data on the burden of disease caused by tuberculosis (TB) and the effectiveness of programmatic efforts to reduce this burden, both of which are crucial for public health action. However, the available data are often underused, or not used at all. At least in part, this may reflect the absence of clear guidance on recommended approaches to the analysis of such data. This handbook is designed to address this gap through detailed practical examples of the analysis of TB surveillance data, in particular TB notification data, data from surveillance of anti-TB drug resistance, and mortality data compiled in national vital registration systems. It starts from the most basic kinds of analyses, and progresses to the description of more challenging topics such as the estimation of disease burden using multiple sources of evidence, including data from special surveys.

Download the publication from here.

Source: WHO