New project launched to consolidate sustainable TB care models in eastern Europe and central Asia

World Health Organization
Jan. 24, 2019, 11:47 p.m.

A new Tuberculosis Regional Eastern European and Central Asian Project, referred to as TB-REP 2.0, has been launched. This project for 2019 to 2022, building on the previous TB-REP from 2016 to 2018, will consolidate past achievements and address new and remaining challenges while ensuring continuity. In particular, it will focus on improving tuberculosis (TB) prevention and care outcomes.

TB-REP was a multipartner project that covered 11 countries in eastern Europe and central Asia including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. The project aimed to prevent TB and drug-resistant TB, and to improve TB treatment outcomes through a health systems strengthening approach, by increasing political commitment and implementing people-centred models of care. TB-REP also sought to foster the fundamental transformation of health service delivery and financing mechanisms through alignment with financial reforms.

Through their participation in TB-REP, several countries made their TB service delivery more people-centred by adopting improved health financing mechanisms as well as new approaches to planning human resources.

TB-REP achievements

Key challenges ahead

The achievements made through TB-REP are threatened by the decline of external donor support faced by most participating countries. This comes at a time when their health systems and services are not fully prepared for such a transition. Reduced support can affect health system sustainability and the expansion of people-centred TB services, which require resources beyond those needed to address technical issues, such as the implementation of the recently updated WHO treatment policy for multidrug-resistant TB and national health system reform.

TB-REP 2.0 will help countries to better understand and address the challenges and opportunities they may encounter during the transition process. This includes an understanding of how health system strengthening can help them in transitioning from support from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to sustainable and efficient TB services, as well as in securing access to medicines and medical products.

As with the TB-REP, TB-REP 2.0 partners will provide quality technical assistance and high-level advocacy to participating countries. They will also address intersectoral and governance aspects of TB and work to strengthen linkages between them. The Global Fund will provide financial support and the project principal recipient will continue to be the Centre for Health Policies and Studies in the Republic of Moldova.

Tuberculosis Regional Eastern European and Central Asian Project (TB-REP)
List of project partners

Person-centred TB prevention and care in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
EUROHEALTH, Volume 24, Number 4, 2018, p.13
Belarus pilot project shows the way to people-centred TB services

A people-centred model of TB care (2017)

Tuberculosis website

Source: WHO/Europe