Latest TB research publications

PLOS TB Channel
April 8, 2020, 4:21 p.m.


Critical changes to services for TB patients during the COVID-19 pandemic
International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease


Evolutionary analysis of Mycobacterium bovis genotypes across Africa suggests co-evolution with livestock and humans

Osvaldo Frederico Inlamea, Pedro Soares, Cassia Yumi Ikuta, Marcos Bryan Heinemann, Sara Juma Achá, Adelina Machado, José Soares Ferreira Neto, Margarida Correia-Neves, Teresa Rito

2020-04-07  //  PLOS NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES  //  Research Article

Where are patients missed in the tuberculosis diagnostic cascade? A prospective cohort study in Ghana

Joyce B. Der, Daniel Grint, Clement T. Narh, Frank Bonsu, Alison D. Grant

2020-04-07  //  PLOS ONE  //  Research Article

Evaluation of continuous quality improvement of tuberculosis and HIV diagnostic services in Amhara Public Health Institute, Ethiopia

Melashu Balew Shiferaw, Abay Sisay Misganaw

2020-04-07  //  PLOS ONE  //  Research Article

Tracking down the White Plague: The skeletal evidence of tuberculous meningitis in the Robert J. Terry Anatomical Skeletal Collection

Olga Spekker, David R. Hunt, László Paja, Erika Molnár, György Pálfi, Michael Schultz

2020-04-07  //  PLOS ONE  //  Research Article

Construction of E. coli—Mycobacterium shuttle vectors with a variety of expression systems and polypeptide tags for gene expression in mycobacteria

Surya Pratap Seniya, Priya Yadav, Vikas Jain

2020-03-11  //  PLOS ONE  //  Research Article

Incidence, treatment, and outcomes of isoniazid mono-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections in Alberta, Canada from 2007-2017

Brett D. Edwards, Jenny Edwards, Ryan Cooper, Dennis Kunimoto, Ranjani Somayaji, Dina Fisher

2020-03-10  //  PLOS ONE  //  Research Article

Prevalence and risk factors for latent tuberculosis infection among household contacts of index cases in two South African provinces: Analysis of baseline data from a cluster-randomised trial

Peter MacPherson, Limakatso Lebina, Kegaugetswe Motsomi, Zama Bosch, Minja Milovanovic, Andrew Ratsela, Sanjay Lala, Ebrahim Variava, Jonathan E. Golub, Emily L. Webb, Neil A. Martinson

2020-03-17  //  PLOS ONE  //  Research Article

Performance of Genotype MTBDRsl V2.0 over the Genotype MTBDRsl V1 for detection of second line drug resistance: An Indian perspective

Syed Beenish Rufai, Kulsum Umay, Praveen Kumar Singh, Sarman Singh

2020-03-04  //  PLOS ONE  //  Research Article

A pilot study: VereMTB detection kit for rapid detection of multidrug-resistant mycobcterium tuberculosis in clinical sputum samples

Xichao Ou, Qiang Li, Dan Su, Hui Xia, Shengfen Wang, Bing Zhao, Yanlin Zhao

2020-03-09  //  PLOS ONE  //  Research Article

Health profile of pediatric Special Immigrant Visa holders arriving from Iraq and Afghanistan to the United States, 2009–2017: A cross-sectional analysis

Simone S. Wien, Gayathri S. Kumar, Oleg O. Bilukha, Walid Slim, Heather M. Burke, Emily S. Jentes

2020-03-17  //  PLOS MEDICINE  //  Research Article

Extrapulmonary tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients in rural Tanzania: The prospective Kilombero and Ulanga antiretroviral cohort

Armon Arpagaus, Fabian Christoph Franzeck, George Sikalengo, Robert Ndege, Dorcas Mnzava, Martin Rohacek, Jerry Hella, Klaus Reither, Manuel Battegay, Tracy Renee Glass, Daniel Henry Paris, Farida Bani, Omary Ngome Rajab, on behalf of the KIULARCO Study Group , Maja Weisser

2020-03-04  //  PLOS ONE  //  Research Article

Effect of Xpert MTB/RIF testing introduction and favorable outcome predictors for tuberculosis treatment among HIV infected adults in rural southern Mozambique. A retrospective cohort study

Edy Nacarapa, Evans Muchiri, Troy D. Moon, Salome Charalambous, Maria E. Verdu, Jose M. Ramos, Emilio J. Valverde

2020-03-09  //  PLOS ONE  //  Research Article

Mycobacterium tuberculosis bloodstream infection prevalence, diagnosis, and mortality risk in seriously ill adults with HIV: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data

David A Barr, PhD † Joseph M Lewis, MRCP † Prof Nicholas Feasey, PhD Charlotte Schutz, MBChB Andrew D Kerkhoff, MD Shevin T Jacob, MD et al.

2020-04-03  //  THE LANCET INFECTIOUS DISEASES  //  Research Article

Blood transcriptional biomarkers for active pulmonary tuberculosis in a high-burden setting: a prospective, observational, diagnostic accuracy study

Carolin T Turner, PhD Rishi K Gupta, MRCP Evdokia Tsaliki, PhD Jennifer K Roe, MRCP Prasenjit Mondal, MSc Georgina R Nyawo, MSc et al

2020-04-03  //  THE LANCET RESPIRATORY MEDICINE  //  Research Article

Understanding pretreatment loss to follow-up of tuberculosis patients: an explanatory qualitative study in Chennai, India

Beena E Thomas, Chandra Suresh, J Lavanya, Mika M Lindsley, Amith T Galivanche, Senthil Sellappan, Senthanro Ovung, Amritha Aravind, Savari Lincy, Agnes Lawrence Raja, S Kokila, B Javeed, S Arumugam, Kenneth H Mayer, Soumya Swaminathan, Ramnath Subbaraman

2020-03-13  //  BMJ GLOBAL HEALTH  //  Research Article

Treatment of Highly Drug-Resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Francesca Conradie, M.B., B.Ch., Andreas H. Diacon, M.D., Nosipho Ngubane, M.B., B.Ch., Pauline Howell, M.B., B.Ch., Daniel Everitt, M.D., Angela M. Crook, Ph.D., Carl M. Mendel, M.D., Erica Egizi, M.P.H., Joanna Moreira, B.Sc., Juliano Timm, Ph.D., Timothy D. McHugh, Ph.D., Genevieve H. Wills, M.Sc., Anna Bateson, Ph.D., Robert Hunt, B.Sc., Christo Van Niekerk, M.D., Mengchun Li, M.D., Morounfolu Olugbosi, M.D., and Melvin Spigelman, M.D., for the Nix-TB Trial Team

2020-03-13  //  NEJM  //  Research Article

Source: PLOS TB Channel