High level international WHO consultation: Eliminating TB deaths: Time to step up the HIV response

World Health Organization
Aug. 17, 2014, 10:04 p.m.

Sunday 20 July 2014 | Promenade Room 3, Crowne Promenade, 8 Whiteman St, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

A high level international WHO consultation was held in conjunction with AIDS 2014, on Sunday 20th July 2014, at the Crowne Promenade Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. The consultation, which was chaired by WHO's Assistant Director-General of HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases, Hiroki Nakatani, aimed to catalyse an accelerated response and high level political buy-in for HIV-associated TB to bring about the elimination of TB deaths among people living with HIV. The meeting was attended by some 80 participants who reviewed progress in the global and regional response, assessed the political commitment to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of HIV-related TB, analysed the gaps and barriers preventing the elimination of TB/HIV deaths and identified opportunities and next steps critical for eliminating HIV deaths from TB. Speakers providing their respective agency perspective on what it will take to eliminate TB-related HIV deaths included US Global AIDS Coordinator, Ambassador Deborah L Birx; Executive Director of TB Advocacy Consortium, Lucy Chesire; Executive Director of the Global Fund, Mark Dybul; Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Anthony Fauci and Director of WHO's Department for HIV, Gottfried Hirnschall. Updates on progress of implementation and scale-up of collaborative TB/HIV activities in the concentrated epidemics in Cambodia, India and Viet Nam were also provided by representatives from the Ministries of health; Mean Chhi Vun, BB Rewari and Nguyen Honag Long, respectively. For more details please see the links below.

Session 1: Eliminating TB-related HIV deaths: what will it take?

Session 2: Eliminating TB-Related HIV Deaths in Concentrated Epidemics

Source: WHO