Call for expressions of interest: Systematic reviews on hepatitis B and hepatitis C co-infection with TB and MDR/RR-TB and the effects of co-administration of MDR/RR-TB and hepatitis C treatment

World Health Organization
April 6, 2021, 3:35 p.m.

The World Health Organization (WHO) Global TB Program has initiated a process to conduct systematic reviews for the collection and assessment of available evidence on the prevalence of viral hepatitis B and C among patients with TB and multidrug-resistant or rifampicin-resistant TB (MDR/RR-TB) and whether the concurrent treatment of drug-resistant TB and hepatitis C is safe and increases the likelihood of treatment success and reduces unfavourable treatment outcomes.

The WHO Global TB Program is seeking support from an independent consultants or group/s of experts with relevant expertise and experience to undertake systematic reviews to synthesise the evidence on the above-mentioned topic.

The deadline for submission of expressions of interest is 30 April 2021.

For further details, click here.