Advocates maintain pressure on the Ministry of Health to facilitate access to delamanid in Peru

Feb. 14, 2017, 6:36 p.m.
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TB advocates reiterate the important role the Ministry of Health must play in facilitating access to delamanid for Peruvians with multidrug-resistant TB.

In an open letter sent 10 February 2017, the Global TB Community Advisory Board (TB CAB) again encouraged the Minister of Health to take steps necessary to providing access to delamanid, a new TB treatment important to effectively addressing the epidemic of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) in Peru.

The letter points out three steps that the Minister of Health must undertake:

(1) support the registration of delamanid in Peru;
(2) ensure the inclusion of delamanid in the country’s forthcoming guidelines on the management of drug-resistant TB; and
(3) urgently establish a mechanism for access to delamanid while registration is pending.

The TB CAB requested a response by 28 February 2017 regarding the commitment of the Ministry of Health to meeting the above three requests.

To read the letter in English, click here.
To read the letter in Spanish, click here.