The 4th Global Forum on TB Vaccines will be held in Shanghai, China from 21-24 April 2015. The 4th Global Forum marks the first time that this international gathering of the tuberculosis (TB) vaccine research community will be convened on the Asian continent.
The Global Forum on TB Vaccines is an international gathering of researchers, product developers, pharmaceutical companies, government officials, advocates and other stakeholders interested and involved in the development of new, more effective TB vaccines. The 4th Global Forum will follow on the very successful and productive Global Forums convened in Geneva, Switzerland in 2001; Tallinn, Estonia in 2010 and Cape Town, South Africa in 2013.
Organisors are TBVI, Aeras, Fudan University and the Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital. The forum will take place under the auspices or Stop TB Partnerships's working group on new vaccines.
More information will be available on the conference website.