University of St Andrews

Finding a balance in antibiotic medicine: can we kill ‘bad’ bacteria while preserving the ‘good’?

A study led by scientists at University of St Andrews has found that antibiotics used to treat tuberculosis kill other potentially useful bacteria.

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Fighting TB with light and sound

A UK-wide research team, led by the Schools of Physics and Astronomy and Medicine at the University of St Andrews, has developed an innovative way to monitor the reaction of living bacteria to antibiotics using lasers and sound.

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Scientists revolutionise treatment of tuberculosis

New medical advances could revolutionise the ability to treat undetected tuberculosis (TB) thanks to an international team of scientists led by the University of St Andrews

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Innovative diagnostic test for TB could save millions of lives

LifeArc, the medical research charity, and the University of St Andrews Infection Group today (August 7) announced a partnership to develop a molecular diagnostic test for the detection and quantification of tuberculosis (TB) bacteria in patients.

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New TB test cuts diagnosis time from months to hours

Leading experts from around the world are gathered in St Andrews to learn how to dramatically cut the time needed to diagnose tuberculosis to save hundreds of thousands of lives in emerging countries.

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Whole genome sequencing holds out new hope in tuberculosis research

The use of whole genome sequencing to identify different strains of bacteria which cause tuberculosis may unlock the door to improved treatments and more accurate clinical trials, according to a new international study.

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