Critical Path to TB Drug Regimens

CPTR workshop 2014 overview

CPTR Workshop 2014 Overview
September 22-25, 2014
Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC

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CPTR 4th workshop 2013 report

October 2-3, 2013
Marriott Renaissance Hotel, Washington DC

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September 2013 CPTR newsletter

Quarterly status report featuring important news and working group updates, conference and workshop information, and links to resources, papers, and publications.

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2013 CPTR workshop agenda available

We’re looking forward to seeing participants at the upcoming Critical Path to New TB Drug Regimens Workshop in Washington, DC.

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CPTR initiative expands focus to include drug susceptibility tests

The Critical Path to TB Drug Regimens (CPTR) initiative, a collaboration launched by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Critical Path Institute, and TB Alliance that aims to speed the development of improved drug regimens for tuberculosis (TB), has announced the expansion of the initiative to include aiding and enabling the development of new rapid tests to determine drug susceptibility. This initiative will become the fourth principle focus area of CPTR, joining the Research Resources Group, Drugs Coalition, and Regulatory Science consortium. Together, these key pillar focus areas will help to facilitate the rapid development and introduction of new TB drug regimens.

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April 2013 CPTR Newsletter

Quarterly status report featuring important news and working group updates, conference and workshop information, and links to resources, papers, and publications.

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Launch of the Good Participatory Practice Guidelines for TB Drug Trials

The Stakeholder and Community Engagement Workgroup of the Critical Path to TB Drug Regimens initiative launches guidelines that will facilitate the involvement of communities and participants in the conduct of TB drug trials.

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Cure All: A briefing on today’s most promising new TB drug research

On March 19th, the Critical Path to TB Drug Regimens (CPTR) initiative will hold a briefing to discuss new momentum in the fight against tuberculosis. The event comes at a historic moment, with a wave of innovative TB research that is poised to make an impact on the disease, which kills 1.4 million people each year and is growing increasingly resistant to today’s available therapies.

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