The tuberculosis burden in Namibia

There were 9 882 patients diagnosed with TB in 2014.

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Gambia: TB prevalence survey findings revealed

There is still significant undetected TB in The Gambia; TB in The Gambia is predominantly urban-based where most of the population resides; and,TB is a bigger problem for men. These are some of the findings of a nation-wide TB prevalence survey.

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Africa: Spending your way out of TB infection

London — A hundred years ago there was no way to treat tuberculosis (TB) except with rest, fresh air and nutritious food. Forty years later the discovery of antibiotics transformed treatment and TB has been a curable disease for more than half a century, but the disease still kills nearly 4,000 people a day. The goals set by the World Health Organization (WHO) to halve the incidence of TB by 2015 and eliminate it as a public health problem by 2050 seem far out of reach.

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