Dessy Sagita

TB still major health concern in Indonesia

Yulinda Santosa was talking enthusiastically to some people in the room. She was eloquent, cheerful and seemed perfectly healthy. It’s hard to believe that until last year she was still suffering from a serious illness that nearly killed her and forced her to put her life on hold for years.

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US lauds Indonesia for success in fighting tuberculosis

Indonesia has been awarded with an achievement award from the US Agency for International Development (USAID)’s Global Health unit for its successful campaign in tuberculosis management, amid growing success fighting the disease throughout Southeast Asia.

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Poor medication regime sees drug-resistant tuberculosis strain flourish

Kuala Lumpur. Lack of adherence to the rigorous and lengthy treatment regime to cure tuberculosis has led to the disease becoming stronger and more resistant to drugs, according to a health official.

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Diabetics up to three times more likely to get severe TB, health expert warns

People living with diabetes are two to three times more likely to get active tuberculosis then others, an expert said over the weekend.

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