University of Otago

Significant step in fight against drug resistance in TB

University of Otago researchers have discovered new ways to treat antibiotic-resistant strains of tuberculosis (TB), opening the door to new approaches for tackling the disease that kills about 4,000 people a day.

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Old vaccine brings new surprises

New research about an old vaccine – one that has been in use for nearly 100 years – has not only shown how effective it is but also suggests it improves our immune response to a wider range of bacteria than originally intended.

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Novel property of a new TB drug

University of Otago researchers have discovered a novel property of a new anti-tuberculosis drug which may help develop more drugs to treat the top infectious disease killer in the world.

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Otago’s international TB research efforts gain major support

University of Otago researchers have been awarded $450,000 for research into the genetics of drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) in Indonesia and Myanmar.

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Mycobacteria metabolism discovery may pave way for new TB drugs

The mystery of why mycobacteria—a family that includes the microbe that causes TB—are extraordinarily hardy organisms is being unravelled by latest University of Otago research that offers new hope for developing a revolutionary class of antibiotics to tackle TB.

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Otago researchers in major new study of TB and diabetes epidemics

University of Otago expertise is set to play a key role in European Commission (EC) funded research into links between infectious and non-communicable diseases – in this case tuberculosis (TB) and type 2 diabetes.

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New Otago collaboration brings oral TB vaccine for humans closer

Researchers in New Zealand are inching closer to the development of the first effective oral vaccine to protect against tuberculosis - a disease which still kills more people worldwide than any other bacterial disease.

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